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FCCU To Support American Foundation for Suicide Prevention as Third Quarter Charity


FCCU To Support American Foundation for Suicide Prevention as Third Quarter Charity

Supporting our Credit Union Family and Beyond

Here at FCCU, we like to call our employees and members – Our Credit Union Family. Just like you’re a member of a family, you’re a member of our Credit Union. In fact, we have a pretty big family, with 46,000 members. And we want to do what we can to help any members and their loved ones that may be struggling with mental health.

Our staff chose suicide prevention as this quarter’s charity. Out of hundreds, if not thousands of organizations, this cause was chosen because we saw the need and we saw the support that we could provide through our Credit Union Family. The statistics are startling:

  • Suicide is the 8th leading cause of death in North Dakota and 12th leading cause in Minnesota
  • 135 suicides in North Dakota last year
  • 758 suicides in Minnesota last year

Statistics are just numbers though. Those individuals were more than numbers and their loved ones know the pain that comes from such a loss. Unfortunately, this cause hits close to home for far too many individuals. Maybe you knew someone, or have a more distant connection, or perhaps it brings back memories from a terrible time when lives were threatened, but not taken. This topic can bring emotions for many reading this, but our hope is that we can turn that emotion into help and support, making a difference in the lives of those around us and beyond. 

If we help even just one person through information and resources, we’ve made a difference. But with hopefully our 46,000-member Credit Union Family, we can make an even bigger impact. 

We’ll be supporting suicide prevention over the next several months by raising funds and also awareness for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP).

“Change” the Stigma
FCCU will raise funds and awareness to change the conversation about mental health by collecting loose coin. Each branch will have a coin jar with an AFSP “Change the Stigma” label on it for loose coins.

We will be sponsoring local AFSP Out of the Darkness Walks. To learn more about local walks click links below.

Coffee Fundraiser
FCCU has partnered with Dakota Dirt Coffee, from Milnor, ND to raise money and awareness for AFSP. Coffee bags are available to purchase for $15 at any FCCU branch. 

We’ve created a page on our website where you can access resources and information available on suicide and related topics. And if you haven’t already, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn for social posts reaching a larger audience with this cause. Whether it’s information for individuals struggling themselves, helping a loved one through a difficult time or perhaps being there for a coworker, we want to help where we can and bring hope during dark times.

Thank you in advance for your support for the AFSP and for being a part of our Credit Union Family.