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FCCU Awarded for Marketing and Community Efforts


FCCU was recently recognized for our charity work, as well as dedication to our members by the Dakota Credit Union Association (DakCU). Hundreds were in attendance at the credit union conference in Fargo, as FCCU was recognized with several first-place awards during the award ceremony.

Recognized for our community involvement, FCCU was presented the Dora Maxwell award. FCCU received this for our charity support towards Safe & Homeless Shelters, raising more than $3,000, donating more than 800 pairs of socks and bringing awareness for the organization.

FCCU was also recognized for two marketing awards in the categories of complete campaign and print marketing. The print campaign, featured our Mandan history wall which highlights the rich past of both Mandan and FCCU. Members and the general public can view this history wall on the third floor of the Mandan branch, outside of the community room.  

The second Marketing and Communication Award was for our “Kasasa $2 Million” campaign. The Kasasa $2 Million Campaign was a multifaceted complete campaign, with various underlying objectives. Overall, the main purpose was to help support checking account growth and grow our membership. With that in mind, we also wanted to help increase brand awareness, and simply market our award-winning checking account.

“It’s an honor to receive these awards,” says Janna Bergstedt, Chief Marketing Officer. “We are proud of the efforts of our staff to give back to their communities through our homeless shelters, after all, life is better with community.”

Pictured from L to R: Doug Kalianoff, FCCU Board Member; Dalton Trottier, Financial Services Representative; Sharman Zachrison, FCCU Board Member; Sean Rinkenberger, Chief Financial Officer; Steve Schmitz, President/CEO FCCU; Jeff Olson, President DakCU Association; Heather Johnson, Lake Region Market President; Susan Long Swen, Event & Community Engagement Specialist and Steve Davis, Senior Vice President Mortgage.