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FCCU Celebrating Youth Week
Pee Wee's Youth Week
Save Small, Dream Big!
Each year, FCCU celebrates Youth Week to encourage saving among our youth and the importance of proper money management. This year, FCCU's Youth Week will be held August 1-5th.
Be sure to check out what's happening at your local branch!
- Bisbee & St. John – August 3rd – Join us for lunch, giveaways, and a coloring activity at the St. John branch from 11 am - 1 pm. Deposits $10 and over will also be entered into the drawing for a summer basket.
- Bismarck – August 4th – Stop by our Mandan branch on Thursday for a free single scoop dish from FOMO 10/40 Creamery from 11am-4 pm.
- Climax – August 1st - 5th– Stop in for giveaways and sign up for a chance to win a gift card to the Dairy Queen.
- Crookston – August 1st - 5th – Stop in for giveaways, treats, and sign up for a chance to win 2 day passes to Splashers Park at the Canad Inn.
- Devils Lake & Ft. Totten – August 2nd - Join us for an outdoor carnival at our Devils Lake branch from 5:30-7 pm. We'll have games, face painting, fun activities and BBQ's for dinner. Pick up a color sheet and bring it back anytime during the week for a freezie. Deposits of $10+ will be entered to win a Summer Fun Gift Basket.
- Fargo Region (Fargo Northland, Fargo 45th & Fargo 52nd) – August 1st-5th- Enjoy a day at the Red River Zoo. Bring your postcard or mention FCCU Youth Week for free youth admission! Plus stop at any Fargo branch for a special treat.
- Grand Forks 32nd & East Grand Forks – August 1st - 5th – Stop by Grand Forks 32nd to guess how many jelly beans are in the jar. The person closest to the actual number will win their choice of 4 day passes to Splashers Park at the Canad Inn or 4 two-hour passes to Northern AIR Family Fun Center.
- Hankinson – August 1st - 5th – Stop in for giveaways and treats all week long!
- Jamestown – August 2nd- 5pm-7pm – Join us for a picnic, free pony rides, stage coach rides and fun! - Frontier Village
- Kindred- August 2nd- Join us for a private swim party for FCCU members from 5-6pm. Plus, stay for the evening swim from 6-8pm at no charge.
- Lakota- August 3rd- Join us at the Lakota Park from 4:30pm-6pm for rootbeer and creamsicle floats. Deposits $10 and over will also be entered into the drawing for a summer basket.
- Larimore – August 1st - 5th – Stop by the branch and guess how many canides are in the jar to be entered into the prize drawing for 2 days passes to Splashers Park at the Canad Inn!
- Milnor – August 1st - 5th – Stop in for giveaways and treats all week long!
- Napoleon – August 2nd - 5:30pm – Pee Wee party in the park with games and free evening swimming for the whole family. Walking tacos for dinner will be provided - Napoleon City Park.
- Northwood – August 1st - 5th – Stop by the branch and guess how many candies are in the jar to be entered into the prize drawing for 2 days passes to Splashers Park at the Canad Inn!
- Oakes – August 1st - 5th – Stop in for giveaways and treats all week long!
- Page- August 3rd- 2pm- Join us for a movie at the Page Theatre! "The Bad Guys" will be showing. Enjoy refreshments and register to win prizes and giveaways all week long.
- Portland – August 1st - 5th – Join us for giveaways, treats, and register to win movie tickets and concession packages to the Delchar Theatre in Mayville.
- Steele – August 1st - 5th –Hosting a hot air balloon decorating contest. Two prizes will be awarded in each age category. Age 0-7 have a chance to win a pair of binoculars and "Only in America" book. Prizes for ages 8-12 are hydro flasks. Balloons for decorating may be picked up anytime and should be returned by August 5th to the Steele branch. In addition, stop in on 'Deposit Blitz Day' on Wednesday, August 3rd for ice cream treats and bring your deposits.
- Valley City – August 1st - 5th – Stop in for giveaways and treats all week long!
- Wahpeton – Tentatively August 3rd from 4pm-7pm – Join us at the Chahinkapa Zoo. Bring your postcard or mention FCCU Youth Week for free admission for the whole family. Look for the FCCU table for refreshments, treats and giveaways.
- Wishek - August 3rd- Pool party at the Wishek Pool from 5pm-6pm and hotdogs, games and giveaways from 6pm-7pm.
Plus, during this time, Pee Wee members get $1 for every $50 saved during Youth Week!*
*Maximum amount received $25. Offer ends 8/5/22. Restrictions and exclusions may apply.