Celebrating Women in Finance: Meet Alysa Barth
By: Amie Aesoph, Chief Human Resources Officer
As we head into 2022, we are kicking off our new quarterly blog series featuring topics related to careers in the financial industry. Every March, women are celebrated around the world for the impact they have had in the workplace. FCCU is proud to have 72% of our workforce made up of women, 63% of our leaders are women and 3 women sit on our Executive Team!
Meet Alysa Barth, VP of our South Region market and a nearly 22-year veteran of First Community Credit Union. Alysa’s journey through the organization has led her to oversee eight branches across the FCCU branch network. As a leader, she works with her teams to direct and manage the activities of the local and surrounding area markets to meet the financial service needs and objectives of our members. Alysa is credited for building key retail and business relationships that have assisted in the success of FCCU.
Craig Grundstrom, Chief Development Officer said “Alysa had drawn attention to herself by exhibiting an excellent work ethic, strong attention to detail, and quality of accurate reports, so with the departure of our previous South Region VP, I was pleased to have her apply to the position. The VP position in the South Region has unique challenges because of the geography and branch diversity. Alysa’s passion for the work and creative ideas won her the job. She created her own opportunity. Alysa’s addition to the leadership team in the branch network has “raised the game” of the entire VP group. Her experience in the FCCU space added a layer of context that was missing prior to her joining the team and her perspective is a powerful resource. One thing for sure, Alysa has made me a better CDO. I heavily rely on her and have confidence in her opinion and abilities.”
"Alysa has high expectations of herself which translates into setting a high standard for the VP group and excellence in her Region and ultimately FCCU overall." – Craig Grundstrom, Chief Development Officer, FCCU
Lacey Hetleved, Branch Manager at our Steele location, shares that Alysa is a supportive manager who allows people to speak freely about concerns and listens to new ideas. Lacey noted that she appreciates her guidance in walking through problems and supporting her decisions as a manager. As their relationship has grown, Lacey recognizes they share several similarities as they are both wives, mothers, and support their husbands’ businesses. It is comforting coming to work knowing that she understands the various aspects of my day-to-day life and acknowledges the importance of family as the number one priority.
“Alysa has extensive knowledge about the credit union and we both share the drive of wanting to give our members the best experience we can at FCCU.” - Lacey Hetleved, Branch Manager, FCCU
Alysa discovered her leadership skills at a young age when she joined Future Farmers of America organization in 9th grade. While other kids enjoyed sports, she enjoyed FFA and the leadership skills it taught her. FFA is a dynamic youth organization that prepares members for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
Along the way, Alysa has been inspired by many people that have created an incredible support system during her career. Her older sister, Amy has always been an inspiration, pushing her to have an open mind and see things from others perspectives. Amy’s work as an Applied Developmental Scientist blends developmental theory, adolescent civic engagement and positive youth development together. She believes deeply in the equal treatment/compensation for women in the workplace. Alysa said, “What I love most about her is that she stands up for what is right.” While the two of them have different careers, Alysa finds that their opposites have made for a strong sisterly team.
“Network with people that you respect and that have had success in their career. Learn from them.” -Alysa Barth
In an article written on Forbes.com, they offer advice to women from women. Suggesting women should “amplify other women.” It’s called the Shine Theory, which is the idea that when you help another woman rise, we all shine. Rebecca Wiser, cofounder and director communications at Womaze says, “Build other women up! If you see your co-worker doing a great job, give them credit…tell your boss or other co-workers.” She goes on to say, “At first it may seem like you’re taking attention away from yourself, but you’re actually showing that you’re a supportive team player as well as an inspiring leader—and secure enough in yourself to praise others.”
“Be confident in who you are and the talent you have. Find a career that you love and motivates you to meet your goals in life.” -Alysa Barth
Not only does Alysa play a leadership role at work, she also is a partner with her husband in their greenhouse business, “Plantastic.” Curt and Alysa have been married for 18 years and have three children, Colman 16, Cayden 13, and Kenidy, 10. In 2018, after many family discussions, Curt realized he needed a career change so they decided to embark on a new journey. Plantastic is located on their family farmstead just south of Wahpeton, ND in which they grow a large variety of annuals, perennials, vegetables, trees, and shrubs. This family run business gives them the ability to teach their children work ethic at a young age. As many businesses starting out they have challenges along the way but have chosen to look at each of those obstacles as an opportunity.
“If you want something you need to have a plan and be ready to put the hard work in to achieve it.”- Alysa Barth
So how does this mom of three manage the stress of each day? She does her best to find a few minutes to clear her mind and slow down. She finds great joy in being with her family and watching her children discover the things around them and learn who they are as individuals. It brings her true happiness to teach her children to have goals, make a plan and put the work in to achieve success. Supporting her husband in his career is very important to her.
“I make sure to have a “I got this” attitude and control what I can control.” – Alysa Barth