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Lessons Learned from Spring


By: Katie Nehl, Communications Manager

Lessons Learned from Spring

Goodbye Winter. Hello (Almost) Spring!

In a few short weeks we’ll welcome the first day of spring. A time that marks a new season and a fresh start.  Here’s a few reasons why taking advantage of spring can be good for us all.

Spring Allows Us to Hit the Reset Button: This glorious season reminds us that we can start anew. Like a crocus blooming from what was once cold, hard prairie ground, today is not just another day. It’s the opportunity and chance to create a new beginning, full of endless possibilities. Instead of being miserable about something that didn’t work out the way we wanted, or holding onto anger at somebody, let it go and start over. Spring is a reminder to start every day with new hope, a positive attitude and belief that the best is yet to come.

Spring is a Remedy: There’s no doubt, spring is a time when people are often outside cleaning their yards, going for runs, playing golf, etc. It’s safe to say, time spent outdoors is never wasted and supports many aspects of health, mindfulness and overall quality of life. It’s important, that if you’re feeling in a rut at work, you take time to step away from your project. Listen to your body; go for a quick walk around the block, go sit in your car over lunch rather than at your desk, or even just simply step outside to get a breath of fresh air. All these things can cure your mood and make you more productive.

Spring Reminds Us, That Beauty is Beyond the Surface: Think of all those perennials – like tulips, tiger lilies and peonies, that bloom up to be beautiful flowers. The bud to those flowers goes cold and lies dormant under the soil over the winter. It lies there, ready to burst open with the first rush of spring and warm weather. This is a gentle reminder to all of us, that beauty is beyond the surface. We need to embrace the different forms of beauty; embrace our differences and how we perceive others. If there’s something you want to change about yourself, do it! If something about someone else annoys you, perhaps it’s because you’re unwilling to work through those differences. While change is inevitable, it’s important that you change for the right reasons, and remember the beauty and talent within each one of us is unique.

Spring Requires Patience: There are days when our patience is truly tested in and outside of work. While those around you may be getting married, having kids, traveling on vacations or maybe even retiring, it’s easy to get in the mindset that “it’s your time” for those things to happen. While we all wait for the weekend or a big upcoming activity to hurry up and be here, wishing away all those days in between does us no good. Patience is a taught virtue, and a good one too; however, patience isn’t the only thing that will help us move up in our career or life, hard work does. Don’t be afraid in this fast-paced society to slow down, be patient, smell the peonies and put in the hard work and dedication each and every day.

Spring is Only Temporary: Spring and the other seasons of life are only temporary. They last for a certain amount of time and then transition into the next season. Just like whatever project you might be working on at work or home, or struggle you may be going through, it’s only temporary. So often we get caught up in the struggles of life or our “stresses”, we forget to remember to simply enjoy the moment and opportunity, because it won’t last forever. Change is inevitable, no matter how long you have to wait, or how hard you have to try, change will happen. Things in life are only temporary. The joy or pain you experience is only temporary. Remember, this too shall pass.

Often times we look at the beginning of the new year as a way to start fresh and new, setting goals and objectives to make ourselves and our companies better. As the year progresses, just like the seasons changing, that drive sometimes fades. But as stated earlier, Spring is the chance to create a new beginning, full of endless possibilities.

To quote a great movie and the famous Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around, you could miss it.” Don’t forget to get outside, enjoy the sunshine and simply enjoy all that this upcoming spring has to offer you. Finally, don’t forget, if you’re looking for fun new toys to enjoy the spring weather, or perhaps even a new house, we have loans to help fit all your needs.

Happy (Almost) Spring!